Our of genuine leather bags, wallets and cardholders were locally crafted in Alberta, Canada.
If you're finding it ‘herd’ to keep track of your money, try using a beautiful buffalo hide wallet Adrian Klis Leather Billfold Wallet 216. This long lasting wallet is naturally tanned and develops a rich patina over time.
Adrian Klis' traditional craftsmanship makes for a top quality product that is made to last. Their specially selected hides are used to create stagecoach leather, and are selected for their strength, character, grains, and tactile quality. The leather is rotated for days in large special drums where it is softened and enriched with natural treatments including plant extracts and clean dyes.
- Measures 3.5" x 4.5"
- Made of buffalo hide leather
- Each product is double stitched, sewn, and glued for long lasting style.
- 1 bill pocket
- 6 credit card slots
- 4 side pockets
- 1 middle zipper
Volume Orders
This product currently doesn’t have the volume pricing built in online - but we do offer it.
Volume pricing applies to multiples of the same product that use the same graphic. Please if you would like to place a volume order and we will happily create a quote for you!